“Abogados y Etica en el Siglo XXI”

Members of the Argentine Lawyers Association of New York and its Europe Chapter, including Maria Beatriz Burghetto, Santiago Muzio de Place, Melisa Ortes Gonzales and Andrea Galassi, among other lawyers, contributed to a book titled “Abogados y Etica en el Siglo XXI” published by foro de estudios sobre la administración de justicia (https://foresjusticia.org/). The essential purpose of this work is to help disseminate the principles of legal ethics.  Congratulations to fores and to those who contributed, well done!  

A copy of the book is available for no charge at the following link: https://foresjusticia.org/2021/05/13/abogacia-y-etica-en-el-siglo-xxi/

The publisher would appreciate donations to cover the costs and expenses related to the publication of the book and its translation into English.  If you would like to donate, please use the following link: https://foresjusticia.org/colaborar/   Any amount would be much appreciated.
