YPF Expropriation Process Presentation

On May 29th, the Argentine Lawyers Association of New York co-hosted a virtual meeting with Asociacion Abogados del Fuero. Magister Sebastian Maril gave a comprehensive presentation addressing the Expropriation of YPF. He thoroughly analyzed the expropriation process, highlighting its errors and the significant economic and legal consequences that ensued. Additionally, he examined the implications of the court rulings issued in Spain and New York, providing insights into their broader impacts. The event was well attended, with participation from over 100 attendees, demonstrating a strong interest in the subject matter. We would like to extend our special thanks to Alejandro Liporace, Nahuel Altieri, and Facundo Castro for their dedicated efforts in organizing the event. Their hard work and commitment were instrumental in making the event a success. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7202237236149411842